Saturday 1 January 2011

'twas the night before Christmas......

Friday 24th December (in case that isn't obvious!)

Set up by Jade

As you can imagine, Jade had to set up stuff before going to bed....

2008 we made cookies for Santa, decorated them red and green.... but we had time to do this, I was on maternity leave, Rob's mom was up visiting, and we had a few days before xmas....

2009 we'd run out of time, so I decided that Santa liked Fruit Mince pies.....  Jade accepted this, we put it out - Santa still came...

This year, Jade came to me early "Santa does NOT want mince pies this year, he wants cookies!" (hint hint, make cookies, hint hint)

So, I had planned on having cookies made again, but, it didn't happen..... so luckily on Christmas Eve I'd convinced Jade that Santa would be happy with Fruit cake....

We also had to put out a carrot for each of the 8 reindeer.... however, as you'll notice on the plate - there were only 7 actually put out.... that's because Jade decided that she'd like one.... and she ate the entire carrot....

Oh, and Santa doesn't need more booze by the time he gets to our place, but, luckily, he does like the occasional Pepsi Max!

Jade also made sure that their Santa Stockings were under the tree ready for Santa.....

We rearranged the lounge room, so that Santa didn't trip over the couches (of course!), so Jade apparently had to stick around to help with that too....

Santa came.....

The only present missing from this pic was the dryer we bought for Greg....  
But: 1: I wasn't going to carry it upstairs.... and 2: I wasn't going to wrap it!!!
(So, poor Greg only got to open his Santa stocking and that was it for him!)

Meanwhile... down in the computer lab... (err... office)

Rob built a computer for Jade.... he had an inkling that Santa may bring Jade something that required a computer.....

(he'd organised the computer a couple of weeks ago.... and it's so cute and little that it's actually hiding behind the screen.... or maybe the screen is just THAT big.... ehehe... either way.... it was up and installed ready for Christmas...)

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