Sunday 2 January 2011

Christmas Morning @ the vanHeerden's

Saturday 25th December...

We arrived at Mom and Dad's place just before 10am...  we did the present swap - but didn't really get any photos... and I can hear all you blog-readers going *phew!!!* at that one.... believe me, I'm phew'ing too, as I don't have to edit them!  

(I've still got about 800 pics on the camera to go through with everything from Christmas to date.... but I'm getting there gradually, you can't rush these things!)

Mickey Mouse from GG was the absolute hit for the day....  

He's had Mickey with him pretty much since Christmas....  he goes everywhere....

Spud Lightyear from Uncle Frank
(he's been taken to bits and reassembled quite a few times too, need to find him a good home and put the pieces of what was left of Jade's Mr Potato head too...)

Ooooh, the hair is done.... that's better...  
(not surprised though that she wouldn't let me do her hair before seeing if Santa remembered to come...I was proud of my efforts to have them both dressed though!)

I really should stop asking the Puggle to smile!

Jade's got it down pat!




The current situation when trying to get pics of Blake......

He notices the camera.....

starting to smile....

Oh yeah!  that's better...

Ahhh... Wobz.... :)

This is Blake "pulling" a sad face.... 

Jade was trying to hide from the camera... but got sprung!

Blake loves biscuits and french onion dip....

At this point I'd told him to finish the one in his mouth before grabbing another, apparently that makes him sad!

Real Tears!

So cute, even when he's so sad!

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February - Slumber Party Roller Disco

Friday 10th February PJ Party Time! Jade had arranged with her friend that they'd go in onesies to the disco.....  so tha...