Sunday 9 January 2011

Shade Sail #1 complete....

5th January.....

While I was at work, Mom and Dad came and finished off the shade sail over the sandpit....  It's awesome and provides excellent shade.... it's a 90% cover - which is good - cause the grass is still getting sunlight through - but it's blocking out a helluva lot more sunlight than no shade at all :)

This is to explain the next developments that are needing to be done....  In the picture above, there is a box which contains the second shade sail....  the current plan is that it will go in approximately the area of the red square.....

The Yellow line indicates where we're hoping to put a concrete slab... and we'll have a cemented 'entertainment' area downstairs.....  not sure exactly when that will happen though - but the concrete slab will also run right under the stairs and down the side of the shed....  but we need to do some more planning before we go and organise someone to come and do it, it's going to need to be on split levels due to the level of the shed and the level of the house block, but - not impossible.....   (oh, and the grass is really unhappy due to all this horrible rain!!!! it'll get better.....)

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February - Slumber Party Roller Disco

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