Monday 3 January 2011

Boxing Day...... The Toys!

Sunday 26th December

Blake Chuggington Loop - 1
Why doesn't it say somewhere on the box how NOISY these things are....?  
Although, being that I'm the one who's always up with Blake at 5am.... I kinda don't mind if I accidentally wake someone else! *grin*

Blake Chuggington Loop - 2

Jade - Simpsons Car

It really is funny trying to watch a 5yr old master the art of remote controlled cars, when she's never seen (let alone owned) one before...  If a car is jammed forwards into something, 5yr old logic states that you should keep driving forwards, maybe we can move that big wall with this little car....

Singstar Wiggles - Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

So, I finally caved to Rob's constant requests for a PS3.... we got it...  but I made sure that we got kids games...  and as I suspected, the SingStar Wiggles was definitely a winner.....  even with Blake!

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February - Slumber Party Roller Disco

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