Tuesday 7 December 2010

Rocky Trials Club Xmas Trial - Day 2

4:30am Blake decided was an AWESOME time to wake up...... gotta love camping....  he comes out of the caravan and straight away "where are the cows????" there were cows last time we went camping, therefore, there should ALWAYS be cows!

Of course Blake was straight over to the bikes..... Jade was more interested in playing on her DS (as were all the other kids there, so she was just doing what they were all doing..... (due to this, my photos consist mainly of Blake......)

"This is how we stand up on a trials bike!!!"
And believe me, Blake like standing up on the bike more than anyone..... he did manage to melt his shoes though, time to get him new boots!

Jessica with her Spock Ears....

A hot and sweaty Wobz....

Blake seems to like wearing my helmet.... I guess cause it's a lot smaller than Rob's....

... and he knows how to hold the straps to put it on and take it off.....

and back on again....

 ... and off again.....

He hasn't quite worked out how HIS helmet goes on right....
Can you see how tired he is??  poor little man....

Angela - Section 8....
I loved this section... didn't cost me a point all weekend... 
(always good when the rocks don't move!)

Dad in Section 8....

Waterfall at Section 8 kept Blake happy for ages too!

Although, rocks are just as much fun....

 Running and tripping in the dust makes for a dirty little man.... :)

Gonna wipe some of that dust off onto Gran!

Time to go bike riding with Grandpa
(he'd been hanging out all day to go on the bike with Dad, and everytime Dad took off without him it was a HUGE drama....)

Jade was keen to go riding too....

Dad ended up having to stop riding around because he was getting cramps in his arms, so I took over and took the kids on a few laps through the bush....

When it was time to leave, Blake was asleep in the car before we'd even got onto the highway....

Jade was asleep just before we got to Rocky... so Blake slept for about an hour and a half and Jade slept for just over an hour by the time we got home.....

Oh, and to top the weekend off, I beat Rob... only by 1 point... but a win is a win, as for our positions in the field - that's not as important - we came second and third in C Grade... but more importantly - I beat Rob!!!  (and I got a bigger trophy!!!)

I meant to get a photo of Blake's melted shoes... he was walking around going "shoes broken!!! shoes broken!!!" and we couldn't work out what the problem was until we lifted his foot.... Whoops!!! :)

February - Slumber Party Roller Disco

Friday 10th February PJ Party Time! Jade had arranged with her friend that they'd go in onesies to the disco.....  so tha...