Monday 27 December 2010

FINALLY!!! We have a gate.....

Saturday 11th December.....

When Bruce arrived this morning to start work on the gate, I was basically waiting for him to pack up and give up for another weekend, within 5 minutes of him arriving to continue work the heavens had opened up and had declared war on Bruce......

But, Bruce kept working through the rain (luckily up here rain doesn't always mean cold)....

We've had the fence for nearly 3 years now, it was time to get a gate put on.....  (but, we did have to do the driveway before we could do the fence as we needed the slab for the gate to slide on....)

Of course, as soon as Jade realised that the gate was going to be going in I copped the "Oh, we have a gate.... now we can get a puppy!!!!"  She's quick off the mark!

But, here it is!

Jade just laying about.....

Blake hard at work in his sandpit with the aid of Gran

At that point, Bruce hadn't completely finished, he had to install the gate so that he could work out exactly where to finish the brackets etc.  he also had to come and weld metal "things" (as Rob calls them) on the ends of each gate so that they didn't slide past the brackets.....  (also, he needed to put a locking device as well as cut handles into the gate so that we could lock and unlock it from the outside....)

I'm so happy with the end result of my gate, it was definitely worth the wait!

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