Saturday 25 August 2007

Leanne's 30th......

Tonight we had Leanne's 30th.... (tis the year for them)... it was fancy dress...

Originally we figured we'd go as the Wiggles as there would be Rob, Jade, Kate and myself there... so we'd be right... then we found out that it was a no-kids event - due to Leanne not wanting to chase other people's kids around... (I can understand that...)

Anyway, so we had to come up with another theme - and we were running out of time (we only had one week to work out a new costume and arrange it...) - so we decided to go Goth... figured this would be easy... I went and got us matching grey and black stripey socks.... black nail polish.... black eyeliner....

I didn't count on other things being harder to find - but over the week I managed to find a website that had black lipstick and white face paint..... so we're getting closer to the day - and haven't managed to track down black hair spray....

Leanne was heading to Rocky - so we asked her to get some at the costume shop... unfortunately when she returned - she realised it was gold glitter spray... so then we were panicking.... Anyway, long story short... we found it locally - so our costumes were complete....

Friday morning, I get up, I'm not feeling 100% flash...but I managed to get through a day at work.... Kate was going to come over so we could work out if we could actually spike out hair... but by 5pm on the Friday - I was feeling so crook...

I finally got Jade to bed by 8:10 and then headed to bed myself - being asleep by 8:30 at the latest.... Rob came to bed about 10:30 - and discovered that I had a fever... so drugged me up and I went straight back to sleep.... I woke up this morning feeling worse for wear... and was positive that I wouldn't make it out tonight...but I did.... we didn't stay too late though - home by 9:30.....

Anyway, here's pics.....

Not sure I'm good at this grumpy goth thing!

Kate on the other hand.....

I found it hard to pull the grumpy face because we were laughing so much....

Kate still had it down pat though!

Leanne has always felt inadequate - so for $17.99 she fixed it!

Rassy & Vicki

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OH MY! You did a great job, absolutely goth! Hope your feeling better.

February - Slumber Party Roller Disco

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