Friday 14 November 2008

Busy - yet uneventful - week :)

Just realised that I've been slack since Sunday and haven't blogged... so here's some pics I've just taken of Blake during his 20mins or so of "awake" time... (not including feeding time)...
We've had a really great week so far with him. He pretty much feeds then goes back to sleep... all other functions are happening... he just likes his sleep... but then again, so did Jade... so we're lucky... not AS lucky as we were with Jade because she was sleeping through most nights and Blake does get up once generally... but - I still know there are people willing to kill me over that fact...
We've been running around town nearly all week doing this that and the other - including Drs visits as well as Blood tests to get my warfarin levels sorted again...
This weekend we have the trials club breakup just past Rockhampton - so we're going to that - but we're not going to camp... (although - having Blake the way he is, and the fact that I've healed really easily this time too - we would have been able to camp... but we didn't know that when we booked accomodation....) Not that I really mind slumming it in a hotel.. :)
I've got a few things to sort out before the weekend, including moving the car seats around so that Blake's seat isn't behind Rob's (it's forcing Rob to drive with his knees in the electric brake switch - which doesn't make for happy long distance travelling... So I'll get that done now while Blake is sleeping... then it'll be time to go and get Jade from school...
Oh, and on the note of Jade... she's really settled down to having Blake around... we had a few interesting days with trying to take her swimming as well as trying to get her to school for the first few days - but I go with Mom now and I take Jade in and leave Blake in the car with Mom and the world is a happy place again... complete with no tanty when I leave :)

Look!! I'm awake and I have eyes!!!

And now I don't! :)

You snooze you lose buddy!

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February - Slumber Party Roller Disco

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