Wednesday 8 January 2014

Happy Birthday Rob.....

Tuesday 23rd July

The kids were up early to give Rob his birthday presents.... 

But, Rob wasn't getting up in a hurry - so they had breakfast and got dressed for school before he was up and about...... (well, everything except for Jade's hair was done....)

(and for those who don't read 7yr says "Happy 42nd B'day"  "P.S. Do not give Mum the badge!"

Rob had been bugging me for months to get Skylanders... (for the kids he says....)
But, there really wasn't anything else that a g33k who has everything needs for his birthday....

Jade was very excited to show Rob everything that we'd got him...

Jade was even more excited when she discovered that Grandma had sent Daddy a Doctor Who Encyclopaedia... which I believe she's read most of (or read some of and flipped through the rest). 

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