Wednesday 8 June 2011

Backyard fun......

Wednesday 8th June

After the school run, we came straight home to play in the backyard.....

When we'd gone to daycare to pick Blake up, Melissa had made a giant turtle in the little kid sandpit... so of course, Jade wanted to try this out in our sandpit....  so she and Blake headed straight there...

Jade made herself a Turtle...
(unfortunately, it doesn't photograph that well)

Blake got busy burying Ben10....

Jade was quite happy to play to the camera today....  so sweet....


Little Miss Gappy....

Our new backyard table and chairs....
We bought this with the Bunnings Vouchers  that we got from Angela for Christmas... 
(we also got some citronella lamps - but I haven't put them up yet....  one thing at a time!)

These chairs are SOOOOO comfy... and Jade thinks that the support under the table was put there for her to hide on.....

Dad and Frank testing out the new furniture...

Jade got out of her school clothes - and back down to the sandpit....

Another turtle.....  (she's getting really good at this....)

Blake found his trike and sat on it until someone wanted to push him around...
Luckily, Jade enjoys pushing him around.... oh, and on the trike too!!!

Ben10 along for the ride....

Pushing around the Puggle

Intense discussion with Gran

More pushing around....

Jade serving everyone "salad"

Building a Starfish with Gran

The starfish...
(sorry - didn't photograph too well....)

Now that we've got the outdoor furniture - hopefully I'll spend more time in the yard with the kids...... huzzah.... :)

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