For someone who got on her first bicycle and loved every minute of being on a bike of any description - we thought Jade would have grown up attached to a two-wheeled device of some description all of her life....
Mom and Dad had said all along that once Blake took an interest in riding his bikes around, then Jade was going to pick it up.....
They were right.... Blake lives for being on a bike.... Motorbike, bicycle or trike.... he's not fussy... as long as he can go around going "Brrrrrr Brrrrrr" - he doesn't mind.... (he even likes his truck for riding.. he's really not fussy)
Jade has recently started riding her bmx around mom and dad's caravan on the concrete slab and has even made a ramp to get up onto the slab from the lawn..... even if she loses her balance a bit - she just puts her foot down, catches herself and then keeps going.... here's hoping this is the start of something more!
Oh, and for those of you who missed it..... my shinyness! :)
Jade riding around Mom and Dad's backyard... here's hoping the enthusiasm lasts.....
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