Sunday 7 March 2010

Pigeon?? Seagull!!!



Ok, now that we're all clear.... Blake was chasing a SEAGULL not a PIGEON.... but, that's what happens when you're blogging at the end of a day when you've only had 1.5hrs sleep the night before due to being up all night with a sick and constantly puking baby........


Anonymous said...

I naturally assumed that it was Blake that thought it was a pigeon...not a seagull. So now you've let us know it was YOU, it now seems hilarious.


Tharyn said...

Blake is only 16months old - how MUCH do you think he actually says??? :P~

February - Slumber Party Roller Disco

Friday 10th February PJ Party Time! Jade had arranged with her friend that they'd go in onesies to the disco.....  so tha...