Monday 26 January 2009

Stray-ya Stray-ya Stray-ya... we loves ya!

Happy Australia Day!!!!!

This year we did Australia Day in Style!  We went to Jaime & Damian's for a BBQ and then an afternoon of backyard cricket...  If you're going to do Australia Day - you have to do it properly :)

Jade had a great time - she's never played cricket before - and I highly doubt it's the last time she'll want to play it...

Thomas & Jade

Damian helping Jade....

(how cute is the muscle top?)

"Yay Xander!!!"

Blake watching with Daddy....

Blake sporting his new Pooh outfit from Leanne, Sully & Chloe

Strike a pose Wobz...

Blake lap hopping.... his new friend Michelle..

Jaime fielding...

Damian's idea of fielding.... he'd get up if a ball came within a metre of him...

Strike a pose Jaime!

The bat is a bit big for Jade.....

getting help from Daddy.....

Sleepy puggle.....

and dribbly.... (you can see the drip right at the bottom of my arm.... yay dribbles....

and Zonked!

Was a great day.... no one got sunburnt... so maybe we didn't do it true Australia Day style - but we're in QLD - we're slip slop slap wrap smart!! :)

Jade hasn't slept all day and surprisingly wasn't feral by the time we got home.... we've had a really great day - but we're all dead tired....  Blake was first to bed, Jade's down now... and I don't think Rob and I are far behind...I just had to blog before I fell asleep...

Happy Australia Day.... 

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