Tuesday 16 September 2014

Fudge Making.....

Thursday 14th August

The slow cooker facebook page that I'm on had "fudge week" and everyone was combining all kinds of things to make fudge.... so I thought I'd give it a go and package it up as part of Mom's birthday present.....

Milk & Cookies chocolate with last minute maltesers.....

Milk Chocolate and Peppermint Crisp.....

The Maltesers one turned out really well.... a bit bumpy - but it tasted good and cut easily....


The Peppermint Crisp one looked great....   but it didn't set.....  

So, I threw it in the bin.... THEN I found a post where someone had had the same problem... and they chucked it all back into the slow cooker and cooked it for a bit longer....  but... I wasn't going to retrieve it from the bin to try again....

So.... I made another batch...

Perfect the second time round.... though, I should have cut them into smaller pieces....

We gave these to Mom the next night when we headed down to Bundaberg to meet up with them and Frank and Lisa to head out to dinner for Mom's birthday.... 

We also gave Mom some digital kitchen scales and a slow cooker so that she could get hooked on making stuff in it too.....

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