Tuesday 8 April 2014

Jade's 8th Birthday Party.....

Monday 30th September

It was halfway through the holidays that Jade's birthday fell this year.... this worked nicely with the fact that I don't work on Mondays...well, it would have worked well... if I didn't work... however, I had swapped my Friday for my Monday... so I was working... 

BUT.... it was a good plan all the same...

I organised to take Jade and a couple of her friends to see the Smurfs movie.... how hard could it be to keep control of 6 kids??  surely!

Luckily, I had another parent there to help me ... and the kids all sat in a row on their own... I just had Blake with me... so that worked well too :)

This was the cake I made to go with her birthday... 

The kids all ready and eager for the movie (oh, and I mucked up and we got there nearly and hour early!  but at least we weren't late!)

(and the Smurf'd version... thanks Drew!)

Birthday Girl....

Jade & Charlotte

After the movies we came home and opened some of the presents she'd been given... including one from Drew.....

Drew got Jade a disco ball to go in her disco room that lights up in all wonderful colours....

After this - all of the kids got into their togs and headed down to the spa.....


Jade & Charlotte




No idea what they were looking at or laughing at - but I'm guessing it was funny.... or gross....  probably Rob... ;)

(the boys were playing skylanders)


Dinner time!

Jade just loves her big brother......

So does Blake!

Cake time....

So. Much. Blue!

It was a very long day.... I was definitely not sad for the night to end... but it was a great day and everyone had a blast.... :)

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