Wednesday 18 May 2011

Roller Disco.......

Sunday 15th May

PCYC held their second roller disco...  the derby girls are asked to volunteer to hand out skates - and assist people with skating, games - etc.....  


I took Jade with me to give her a go as she wants to skate on skates like I have..... (they are definitely easier for littlies than inlines... although, I still feel that inlines are easier for adults... go figure!)

Nat handing out skates.....

Kristel & Ellie (trying to avoid the pic - I guess she thought I'd be zoomed in more!)



Jaime came along with Xander....


people skating around the basketball courts..... this is where we do all of our derby training....


Cat & Blaze


Xander & Jade skated around a fair bit..... 

Very proud of herself.....

Xander getting a helping hand from Cam


Part of the derby gang...
Netty, Helen, Craig, Kristy, Sabrina & Nat

Lisa and one of the children she brought along....

Rylie, Sabrina & Ethan

Amy & Jade
(believe it or not, Amy is in Prep too.....  she was standing infront of Jade, so looked bigger than she actually was next to Jade, she doesn't even come up to her shoulder.... I was guessing she was around 3 - not 5)

Cam keeping and eye on Jaime

Don & Faye


Was a great session... and by the end of it - Jade was happily skating around the rink... although, not with any major speed and she was definitely worn out and "emotional" by the end... but we discovered the next day that was due to her falling on her skate - and now she has a wheel shaped bruise in the middle of her bum... and NO... I'm not going to take a photo of it... you'll just have to believe me :)

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February - Slumber Party Roller Disco

Friday 10th February PJ Party Time! Jade had arranged with her friend that they'd go in onesies to the disco.....  so tha...