Wednesday 14 October 2009

Like Sister Like Brother......

When Jade was about Blake's age... maybe a little older... she was screaming in the cot one night... she was probably teething - so I went in to check on her - and I picked her up...

well... I attempted to... she wouldn't come up - she was stuck... being dark in her room - I couldn't work out why she wouldn't come up so I tried to pick her up again... no luck.... then I realised that she had her leg out the cot - and then back into the cot... ie. out between two slats and had her foot hooked back in between another two slats.....

Well, last night I had the same thing with Blake... luckily now, I'm a lot smarter!!! or - more cautious... :)

His leg was slightly harder to get back in - because he'd done this on the head of the cot - that is up against a wall.... I have no idea how these kids do it.... but they do..... :)

(Still not walking... even though we got excited last week after his first few steps..... he's pushing his trolley around... riding his bicycle (pushed by Grandpa) - but he's not walking unaided yet.... wont be long though!)

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February - Slumber Party Roller Disco

Friday 10th February PJ Party Time! Jade had arranged with her friend that they'd go in onesies to the disco.....  so tha...