Monday 6 July 2009

Jade's first trip to the dentist......

I had planned on taking Jade to the dentist in the next week or two - whenever I'd booked myself in for my 6 monthly checkup.... Unfortunately her visit came a little earlier than planned....

About a week and a half ago - maybe two weeks - Jade fell out of bed during the night (or early morning) - she was really sad because she'd bumped her mouth.... we checked at the time and one of her teeth was a little wobbly... but with kids this can settle again....

I'd been keeping an eye on it... and it didn't seem to be a problem.... until Saturday... I checked - and the gums under her tooth looked really red... - she didn't say that it was hurting and she wasn't worried about it at all... so we left it and would check on it later... by Sunday (yesterday) - it was more swollen, so we made the decision to get her straight into the dentist....

He has confirmed that the tooth is dead.. he figures that it's probably cracked... there's no reason to remove it as they want it to stay in as long as possible.. so for now, we're just hoping to keep an eye on things and make sure it doesn't get infected again... she's got antibiotics... her first ever!! (not too bad... 3yrs 9months and never had anything other than nurofen, panadol or demazin)....

In the Stylish Green chairs!! (the entire surgery is done out like this - it's very new (in the last two years) - one dentist and two rooms - quickest service I've ever had .. and he's a good dentist)

After we'd finished (we were only in there a few minutes for him to check her teeth and write out a script... ) - we headed to the Library which is across the road and played some ABC computer games for a little while before heading home....

Back to work tomorrow for me.... I have all the lunches made and ready in the fridge (Greg's out of the house by 5:45am because of his new apprenticeship - he's on a working week this week) - and it's just easier having Jade's lunch done the night before too.... (even Blake's lunch is done and in the fridge.... ) - - Just one load of washing to hang out in 5mins and I can head to bed... (here's hoping for earlier nights in future!!)

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February - Slumber Party Roller Disco

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