Saturday 16 May 2009

Blake's new bouncer.....

We've had a shocking week with Blake this week, it's most likely teething - he's not sleeping much during the day - 1hr at most - 20mins is the general sleep - and he's been grumpy (totally out of character)...  so on Thursday I msg'd Bec to ask if we could borrow her bouncer - it's one of those vibrating ones - I figured if he'd sleep in it - it's worth it right about now....

Well, he loves it...  although it's SO exciting that I'm not sure if he'll go to sleep in it - unless I take the jiggle toys off it...  but we'll worry about that when we're actually using it to try to get him to sleep... at the moment it's just somewhere to put him so that I can detach him for a few minutes at a time...  (he's a little clingy atm ... but teeth can do that)

Anyways, thanks bec!!  this has made for a Mr Happy!!!

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February - Slumber Party Roller Disco

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