Monday 20 October 2008

Afternoon sleeps........

We have had to take all of Jade's toys out of her room so that she will sleep in the afternoon... if she has so much as 1 Pony - she can talk to it for hours and take it exploring every square inch of her room...

Unfortunately, we can't strip her bed and leave her with no bedding if we're actually wanting her to sleep...  so, what does a child that doesn't want an afternoon sleep do in this situation???

We strip the bed, use the bedding as a tent... until finally we realise that we really DO need a sleep - and collapse on the floor....

I have to say after Jade not sleeping on Saturday and Sunday afternoons, I was really starting to worry that I was never going to have another peaceful afternoon... but Yay!!!!

Unfortunately, with today being a Monday... and with Rob being out of town... Rob is still on the phone all afternoon - so there is no sleep time... as much as he says "turn the phone off" - - I know he's happier to know I'm there to send invoices at a moment's notice.

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February - Slumber Party Roller Disco

Friday 10th February PJ Party Time! Jade had arranged with her friend that they'd go in onesies to the disco.....  so tha...