Monday 16 July 2007


Well, that was more painful than last week. At least last week she settled down after a couple of minutes and was happy enough in the class until she saw me outside the room.

I figured I'd be ok this week, I'll just stay away - she wont see me - and she'll settle down.... Good theory... unfortunately I didn't plan on there being another student in the class this week... Last week there was only Jade and Georgia... this week Marcus was there... he's 2.5...

Anyway, cut a long story short... Jade started crying - she set off Marcus... so they fed off each other for the entire lesson... even as jade was climbing out of the pool she was still screaming...

They tell me that they all go through it for at least 3 weeks.. then they settle down... so one more week and she should be ok... (that would be if she were normal....)

I was going to go to Rocky today to get new work pants, however, Jade having screamed for 30mins - I didn't like my chances of her settling down for the hour and a bit drive to rocky - shopping for pants - and then the drive home... on top of the fact that she's had this cold for a couple of weeks... So I've decided to put it off til next week, Rob's mom will be here - so Rob and his Mom can have jade for the day and I'll go shopping on my own!

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February - Slumber Party Roller Disco

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