Saturday 28 January 2017

Upstairs BB......

Saturday 11th June

So, while Rob was away with Blake, and once I started feeling better.... I set to work at making BB cat-safe..... this is a big thing with greyhounds, because they're taught their entire life to chase the small and fluffy items..... 

I managed to get BB to ignore all three cats.... not that I was willing to leave him alone with them yet, I was at least happy to have him upstairs when we were watching TV etc.... as long as I could keep an eye on him....

He was very proud of himself.....

Honey wasn't very happy about having to share her spot on the floor....

So, I brought out another doona for BB to lay on.... 

Honey made sure she was over both doonas at all times... she was the boss and this was her house... and she wasn't going to be overrun by a boy!

BB isn't allowed on beds.... another reason why Honey knew she was top-dog!

She is a bitch on the smoochy side.....

Not really sure this is a safe play to put your head BB..... it's a toxic zone there at times!

Oh... and BB cockroaches!
like a REAL greyhound!

so delicate!

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