Sunday 1 June 2008

20 things about my kiddos...

I was tagged by Sarah

1. My name is: Jade Olive
2. My first word was: Mum-Mum (at 7.5 months - not sure if she really knew what she was saying at the time though) the first "Real" word was "Hello!" at just over 8 months
3. My favorite food right now is: Weetbix and Nuggets
4. My favorite song is: On Top of Spaghetti
5. My car seat color is: Dark Blue
6. My room color is: White with Pooh, Dora, Disney Princess and Alphabet wall stickers
7. I love to use this kind of shampoo: Dora the Explorer Shampoo & Conditioner
8. The thing that can make me the maddest is: Not always being allowed to help out
9. My favorite person right now is: Ollie (Boyfriend at school)
10. I like to read this book over and over and over: Little Miss Bad
11. My brand of diapers is: Baby Love (with Wiggles pictures - only for night sleep though)
12. The cutest thing I say is: I so love you mommy!!
13. My favorite fruit is: Watermelon
14. When I get hurt I want: Mommy
15. I mostly ride around in a: Prado
16. I go to bed at: 7:30pm
17. I wake up at: 6am on the dot
18. My naptime during the day is: 1pm
19. My most favorite thing to do is: Play with My Little Ponies
20. My favorite show/movie is: My Friend's Tigger & Pooh (new CGI version)

I now tag: Nat & Penny

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