Tuesday 10 June 2008

Greg's first work experience

Greg started his first bout of work experience today... this is a 4 day stint with a local Diesel Mechanic.... I got the before photo last night as I wasn't sure I was going to feel like being up to take a photo at 5am... :) (Mind you - I was up to make sure that Greg didn't sleep in - but he was up at 5 and upstairs for breakfast by 5:30... and ready to leave at 6.... (picked up at 6:30am))....

Before he got his uniform dirty....

The dirty version!... although... I can't put the smell of him online (diesel and oil)... although I wish you could have all experienced it... :) (Clearly Jade didn't care if he was dirty or not, although - she's used to Uncle Frank being all dirty when he gets home from work...)

Anyway, the first day seems to have gone well for Greg... I imagine he'll be getting up a bit later tomorrow morning... Poor kid only got home at about 5:15pm (so nearly 11hrs after heading off) - got showered - had dinner and headed to KFC to work his night shift at 6pm (luckily he's only working til 9:30... so he at least wont be AS tired as he could be... although - I don't imagine he'll be hitting the computer today - and if he does... it wont be for long!)

He enjoyed his first day, they worked in a shed for some of the day, and then a big tractor was playing up on a building site - so they had to travel out there to fix it... I think this all has him keen to return tomorrow...

The reason he was so oily and smelly was due to putting down an engine and it spitting up a stack of oil all down his left hand side and over his face.... apparently he washed a fair amount of it off... so I'm glad I didn't see the initial mess.... :)

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