Saturday 1 December 2007


All the excitement about the rain died down early today... I went downstairs to make sure that the new rooms hadn't leaked - and didn't even get that far before I found a puddle......

It seems that the people who built the house - or at least had it before us - had never considered the idea that the front door area may flood.... the water appears to have come in under the wall... which is a bit scarey - but once the rain goes - I'm sure we can do something about waterproofing so that it doesn't happen again....

Mom and Dad came up to help get some drainage trenches built to at least get the water away from the house.. let's just hope that's enough for the rest of the weekend - cause we all got drenched and had to go get showered and dried up......

Ok, now I'm going back to re-organising the house.... fun fun!


Anonymous said...

Holy Dooley......check out that weather.

Anonymous said...

That was me who left the anon comment....

February - Slumber Party Roller Disco

Friday 10th February PJ Party Time! Jade had arranged with her friend that they'd go in onesies to the disco.....  so tha...