Sunday 16 September 2007

Another week......

Ok - I'm slack, it's been another week...

There's really nothing to report though... it's been a reasonably quiet week... I went shopping for the last of Jade's birthday presents the other day... nothing overly expensive... but a few cute things in there...

Yesterday I managed to get 5 loads of washing done and hung on the line, mowed the back lawn.... Jade wasn't overly impressed with the sounds of the lawn mower but I couldn't keep putting it off - so I left her in the house whinging about it - and went about mowing.... I was nearly finished when jade decided it was ok to come outside and wave at me... she walked up - so I ended up carrying her around while I did the last two runs with the mower.... (I think my blades are in need of replacement because it didn't do that great a job... but still looks better than it did)...

I got the sprinkler out in hope that maybe I can encourage a bit of grass... I set it up and turned it on and jade ran away from it.... it's bad when your child is nearly two and has no idea what a sprinkler is..... hehe (we're not on water restrictions - but it's not worth wasting water and risking contributing to an eventual water shortage)...

I went to the local flea market this morning and picked up a Tigger toy for $5 that bounces - and the bounce still works... that surprised me... figured $5 for a tigger wasn't bad even if it didn't bounce... :)

Jade thinks it's great.... I also managed to find a "Simon Says" game on ebay that I used to play when I was in primary school - this one is noted as being a 1978 game... I'm not sure if that's when it was invented - or when this particular one was bought.... but I used to love the game so much... I played it til it died though (if I remember correctly)

Made vegemite salada for lunch - then got up and made myself a coffee - and by the time I got back to the table jade had managed to spread vegemite all over her face... unfortunately I couldn't find the camera in time - so I didn't get a photo to share.....

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February - Slumber Party Roller Disco

Friday 10th February PJ Party Time! Jade had arranged with her friend that they'd go in onesies to the disco.....  so tha...