Saturday 26 December 2015

Costume time again....

Thursday 10th September to Monday 14th September

The kids school concert was coming up again.. Blake's class had to be various Australian Animals.... Blake was a Magpie and Jaykob had to be a platypus..... I offered to help Alana with the Platypus costume as she was starting to freak and I had an idea in my head about how it would work.....  

Front of the t-shirt.....

Platypus tail....

then it was time to start on the Magpie....

Jordy trying to "help"

After doing the first wing, I thought Blake should try it on before I put in too much effort.....  (this was my second shirt.... the first one lifted as soon as he moved his arms.... and I'd made a pocket at the end of the wing for him to put his hand inside..... 

And we're done! (well, the sewing part....  but, he's not a crow... so it needs white!)

Back to Jaykob's costume..... I wanted to make a platypus bill to put on a cap.....

apparently he looked a bit like Daffy Duck... but.... that's ok - he can go as a duck-a-pus..... :)

Now... Blake's hat....

And vinyl pressing some white onto the costume....
(Heat Press and Vinyl makes for easier costumes than trying to either sew white on - or paint it)

The tail....

 (I was quite impressed with my efforts..... he actually looked like a magpie!)

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