Saturday 5 July 2014

Elliot Heads Holiday - Day 2

Thursday 3rd July

We decided to go for an explore up the bike path... the kids on their scooters and I was walking behind them...  they'd go ahead and then come back before going ahead again....  

The bridge near our cabin....

Up the hill....

We stopped to look out to sea

Then we were off again.... 

Until we found some trees that looked like fun to climb....

Not as easy to climb in thongs as it is in runners.... so they didn't get as adventurous as they would usually.....

Our next stop was at the War Memorial

Jade went to read every plaque

Not sure what happened to this, I'm hoping it's just broken over time - rather than being attacked by vandals.....

Then we went off again, until we found these rocks, they had walking paths down onto them.....
(well, they'd been walked down enough that there was a walked in path - rather than an actual path being built into the hills)

Playing with the camera..... 

Blake was jumping his soccer over the cracks in the path.....

While out on our walk, we got news from Rob that SheBe had to be put to sleep as she had irreparable damage to her oesophagus ... So Rob went down to the vet and spent some time with her and held her and talked to her while they put her to sleep.......

Jade was devastated, she took off on her scooter, so then I started panicking about where she'd gone.... luckily we found her on a memorial bench overlooking the ocean where she was letting it all out..... SheBe was her kitten (she was less than a year old) and Jade was old enough to understand what was going on....  

After sitting and chatting with Jade on the bench for a while, we continued the walk back to the cabin....

Blake's eyes were still a little red from crying :(

(not really up for photos at this point)

We headed back to the cabin and had morning tea... then we spent the rest of the morning and part of the afternoon playing Connect 4....

Mid afternoon we decided to head down to the Fish'n'Chip shop to get an ice cream and then head to the park for a play...

Jade got a Rainbow Swirl....

Blake (complete with helmet hair) didn't really want an ice cream - but also didn't want to miss out on an ice cream - so he got a "Zombie Guts" ice block - which he ate the green ice block off and left the horrible Red Centre....

We sat on the rocks at the beach while the kids had their ice creams....  then we headed to the park....

The Monkey Bars were the highlight - the kids pulled themselves up and climbed over the top of it....

Jade apparently likes being upside down at the end of the slide....

Later that afternoon, after Rob confirmed that he was in no state to drive down to join us at Elliot Heads, we packed up all of our gear and checked out of the cabin and headed home....  Rob's a massive softy and having to put SheBe down was really hard on him...   through the afternoon and evening, we talked about getting a new cat - but this time - a rescue Cat - so we got hold of the Friends of RSPCA and arranged to go out and see the cats the next day....

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