Sunday 17 June 2012

GRD Mulligan Christmas Party.....

Saturday 19th May

Dunc and Menace decided to organise a "Mulligans Christmas Party" - which roughly translates to "lets do the Xmas party over again" - - a Mulligan is a do-over... or something like that....

There was a BBQ organised down at the Marina - and the Freshmeat as well as the old-school derby people got together to spend the afternoon...   we had a blast...

Last minute decision on my behalf was to get a PiƱata and fill it with all kinds of lollies for the kids....  not a helluva lot of thought when into this - which was obvious by the fact that we used a motorcycle tie down to tie it to the tree - and I believe a garden post was grabbed to use as a bat.... (oh yeah, thought that one through... give a nice hard garden post to kids to swing around!!  responsible parenting!)

All of the kids had a go before the adults stepped in....

And then Voodoo came along....

The kids really appreciated her efforts...

Beserk went and got on some kids (umm.... I have no idea what to call this thing...  was kind of like a trike - but with casters at the back - so the back end would steer itself)

Lilly didn't mind, she just ran with her...

Rob with a sad puggle... (though, for the life of me, I can't think of why he was sad...)

Stacks on Teddie!

This all started with me playing with Blake on the grass (probably to fix the above situation, though, I'm not sure) - and then a couple of other kids came over and jumped on.... then parents started putting their kids on top of me too....  then, just for kicks... they'd jump on as well....

Blake checking to make sure I was ok...

The ants were starting to bite me, so I decided to get up and move... apparently, when you do this, kids decide that they should just stay on top and go for the ride...

Until, it's time to tip them off...


Then the parents relocated and started getting on again....

and then, everyone had to try it.....

Blake was glad when I finally called it game over, so that he could have me to himself again...

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