Friday 8 July 2011

Sydney Holiday 2011 - Day 3

Wednesday 6th July

We headed to the shops in the morning in an attempt to get Jade another jumper... we'd got one on Tuesday... we didn't manage to find another one... apparently winter is an unknown concept in Australia this year.... luckily the one we got is a size 12 so it should hopefully fit next year too!  (although, at the rate Jade keeps shooting up - it'll be a midriff by then...)

We headed to the Dolls Point park and cafe to meet up with Bill again (as Jade didn't see him the day before because of her trip into the city with Angela....)

Buzz had to swing too....

Jade loves the rope climbing thing..

and then was paranoid about being up so high - and she wasn't at the top....  

Blake wanted to give it a go...

And Buzz...

Easier without Buzz...

Jade went over play on the spinny thing, she loves this one... except if it goes too fast...

We got the kids finger buns from the bakery.... and Blake just eat the topping off his and put the bread roll back...

The coloured stepping stones have always been a favourite.... 

2008 Was Jade's first experience with it (click on the 2008 to see that blog entry)

Jade's got someone new to take around the stones....
(Blake's 4months older than Jade was in the 2008 pics)

The entire Rope climbing thing.... and that pink dot up the top is Jade....


Blake loved the mirrors....

Jade picking on her Dad

Jade telling Grandad about her trip to the Museum...

Blake came over to say hi....

Grandad wanted to get a Buzz of his own, so Blake was showing him how it works...

We had a great lunch with Bill, and once we were done we headed over to visit Angela for the afternoon and for dinner....  We headed back to the cabin just before 6pm so that the kids could get sleep as we had a huge day ahead of us......

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