Sunday 13 March 2011

Blake's first toffee apple......

Sunday 13th March

Blake had his first toffee apple today... well - his first attempt at it - he didn't eat much before he decided to put it in the bin... but he did seem to enjoy what he did have....

(Jade didn't want one... so I haven't been able to take pics of her first toffee apple... maybe we'll try again in a year or so to see if she wants to try one... but for now, it's only Blake who's experienced the awesomeness that is the toffee apple.....   Frank and I used to love these as kids....  we didn't get htem often, but they haven't changed much in the last 30years.....)

It did get really messy - and I did end up with pink sticky spots throughout my kitchen, although I managed to mainly keep Blake outside - you can't avoid all disasters... :)

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