Thursday 21 May 2015

New letters....... final bedroom touches... (for now)

Friday 27th February

So, I gave up on re-painting the kids old name-letters... and bought new ones... then went to get new paint.... Jade wanted pink - Blake wanted gold..... 

When I started on Jade's letters, the pink sunk straight into the wood and looked like a really deep red.... So, I had to paint them all white first - then paint the pink on....  when the pink dried, it flaked... at first I freaked and tried to fix up the D....  but then when I realised that all of the letters had done it - I let it go.... now I'm regretting fixing up the D.... 

Blake really wanted his paint to be cracked too - but I doubt I'd be able to duplicate that effect..... he's happy with gold.....

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February - Slumber Party Roller Disco

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