Wednesday 19 February 2014

Bookfair 2013

Friday 16th August

I discovered late on the 13th that Jade had Bookfair... for someone who loves dressing up, she's not one to get overly excited about telling me everything about school..... (or, she wasn't (coming from 2014 - she's completely different now... but this is all about the new school - but that'll be explained eventually - if I can get this blog up to date)).

I read it in the school newsletter that I managed to find in her school bag.... and we discussed who she could go dressed as, and she'd just started watching Doctor Who and got completely obsessed.... so, there was our theme.... 

Now to just make it happen!

I bought a glitter party hat, black braces and a black bow tie from KMart and some curtain tassles, red glitter glue and a tube of red glitter from Lincraft..  and there you have it.... Doctor Who!

The hat - which I then cut the brim off to make the Fez

I wasn't overly thrilled about opening my Sonic Screwdriver - but, it did complete the costume... so Jade was under strict instructions to be careful with it - and I even put the batteries into it so that it lit up and played the sounds.... 

(and ready to go to school!)

Walking down to the basketball courts with her class....

There was even a Dalek there...

Miss Norris - one of the Admin staff

Then you had the Star Wars people...
(I do think that it's a bit funny that the one teacher felt she needed to hold a book to show who she'd gone as - was she worried that her make-up wasn't correct?  Nice Effort though!)

Nerf guns are TOTALLY Star Wars!

Sitting and waiting to parade around and show off their costumes...
(Calli sitting behind her as Strawberry Shortcake)

The Lone Ranger

So many Supermen

Dalek and the Doctor lead Jade's group

I'm not completely sure what the idea was behind these aliens, but they had stories written on their backs.

Jade and Calli ready to head back to class....

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