Wednesday 28 September 2011

Learn to Skate

Thursday 22nd September

We went to the first Learn to Skate at the PCYC on Thursday night.... 6-7:30pm...

When we arrived Jade was very excited and said that she was looking forward to "skating training" which I thought was very cute... cause as I head off at night I say that I'm going to "Derby Training"...  Maybe she will follow in my footsteps and become a skater....   Time will tell... but for now... she was happy to go to training...

The guy leading the training is Rodney... he taught me speed skating and got me into Roller Hockey when I was in High School....   I was in Sydney before I got into inline skating and inline hockey....

He's an awesome teacher.... teaching the kids to go from sitting down to standing - and then they practiced going from a standing to a squatting position.... the advantage to managing/owning a skating rink for 20 odd years is that he definitely knows his stuff....  (plus he's pretty much spent his life on skates)

Xander watching until Jaime got there with his skates...



Wendy & Millie

Wendy and Millie

even Talon was giving it a go
(Blake was at home going to bed when we left.... it's too late at night for him)

Talon decided that crawling was easier than skating... ehehe

a very happy little skater..

Alahnie & Jade

Felicity & Maddy

Rod having discussions with the kids


Melissa & Lillie


Jade had a great time and barely fell over...

Alahnie quickly got the hang of it too....

This is the "stand on one foot" competition....  Jade was out :)

Taylah, Jade, Alahnie & Eli

Oldest to youngest... left to right.... 
(I bet that's not how you would have guessed it.....  Alahnie doesn't turn 6 until February!)

They had a brilliant night - and are looking forward to doing it all again this week.....

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