Saturday 19 April 2008

and the visit is over......

Mat headed back to Sydney this morning... this is about all of the photos I managed to take - other than going bowling on the Sunday, the boys pretty much played computer games and Wii... and THAT was about all... and I'm sorry - but that's not interesting enough to take photos of.....

Last night Greg had a Rugby game - so Rob and Mat went out to watch... (the game was at 5:30 - and trying to feed Jade at 7:30 at night just wasn't an option - so we stayed at home) - Rob took the camera with him - but didn't check that the SD card was in there... so he wasn't able to take photos...... (and he's always getting up me for not checking before I take the camera somewhere!! har!! :P~~)

Anyway, so this morning I got the kids to all sit down for a photo... only took about 30 shots to get one where Greg isn't pulling a funny face... or funny hand gestures.... same can be said for Mat.... and in the other photos that didn't work.. Jade was either looking at Mat - or looking at Greg... or at a toy on the floor.... so I just kept snapping and hoped for the best..... (hard to believe that Jade is only 2 1/2, she looks a lot older in that photo!!!)

There'll be another post tomorrow as we have another trials comp... Greg is riding - and hoping to complete the entire trial... with only 6 sections and 5 laps.. he only has 30 sections in total... I'm sure he can do it!

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February - Slumber Party Roller Disco

Friday 10th February PJ Party Time! Jade had arranged with her friend that they'd go in onesies to the disco.....  so tha...