I decided that we should get the Santa visit out of the way this morning.... so once we'd confirmed the time that he was at the mall... and confirmed our driver... (I can't wait til Monday and I can drive again)... I told Jade that we were going to see Santa and she had to dress pretty for him....
She's more than happy to put on dresses and skirts these days.... but doing her hair is generally a chore.... not today.... because Santa needed to see pretty hair... she sat quietly... didn't even ask if she could brush it herself....
She was even happy enough to pose for pics at home before we left......

Complete with the silly poses!

I phoned Jaime to see if she wanted to meet us down a the mall and get Xander's pics done too... but Jaime had been smart and got his done during the week... but she advised us to get there early... so we got to the mall just after 9:20am... and got in the queue.... Santa wasn't arriving til 10am
It was nearly 11am before Jade got her photo taken... she was amazing... I was really worried that she would have got irritated at waiting... but once I told her that he'd give her a present - she was happy to stay with me...
She ran straight up to Santa and gave him the biggest cuddle.... she smiled really well for each of the photos that the photographer took and we were out of there in record time.... :) So, Yay for another pleasant experience with the Mall Santa.... (last year was good too - but there was no queue...)
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