Complete with Internet
(I don't think we have any friends or relatives who don't need a daily fix of the internet - so this is always the more comfortable option for everyone... no one stealing my computer - and guests not having to feel that they have to just get on check emails and get off because they're borrowing someone's computer...)

We removed the "Bar" Fridge - and we'll be getting back our old fridge and Frank and Shayne borrowed - but I'm currently making plans in my head about how we're going to use this space better.... especially now that we'll have a downstairs lounge area....
Mom cleaned Rob's office a bit... but... it's still very much a boys room... this is why we've made sure to set up the computer with internet in the guest room - so that Angela didn't have to try to survive the two weeks using the guest computer in this room...
Guest computers everywhere! we're just too nice!! (more like Greg has friends that come over and Rob doesn't generally get away from his computer much - so we'd previously set up a computer down there for Greg's friends (which Jade has claimed as her own - and Greg's friends usually give up the computer if she goes down there...)).
We then decided to clear out the other "Garage" which we had closed in earlier... we've been planning to convert this room into an "entertainment" room - but until we have the Shed to put all of our stuff in - there's still too much stuff downstairs that we'd need to move before we can get someone in to completing the tiling downstairs....
So, we decided to try to clear enough room to at least get a basic sofa set so that we can put the spare TV down there and have a lounge that we can hang out in at night without disturbing the kids.... and it means that Rob can play his Guitar Hero without disturbing sleeping kids too!! yay!!
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