Today didn't start out so well... Blake was awake from 5am - which had Rob and I awake with him... but at 5:30 we started to hear crying from Jade's room... not the "I'm having a nightmare" cry... but the "I want someone to come here because I want attention" cry...
I took this to mean that Jade was trying to get up early.. so I just called out for her to come into the room... but I eventually gave up on her leaving her room and I went in to see what the go was...
She'd been sick on her bed... so we were then worried that she'd got what Dad had... she was sick a few more times and I eventually ran a bath and shoved her into it... she wouldn't drink or eat anything... but once I got her in the bath - she'd have an ice block (luckily we'd made them the night before - so they were frozen)... she ended up having 5 of them (which wouldn't even be a glass of cordial... so I wasn't going to stop her having them....)
We put on some DVD's and just kept her quiet for the morning .... and she seemed fine... she even went down for her lunch sleep without any arguments...
While she was sleeping, Leeanne and Caitie dropped in to visit... This is the first time I've managed to catch up with Leeanne since having Blake... I was dropping in to have lunch with her every fortnight when I was heading to Rocky for my Doctors visits... but hadn't seen her in a few months...
I can't believe that Caitie is 8 already... although we've been back in Gladstone for nearly 6yrs now... and she was 2 when we got here... so yeah, she's definitely 8 already! such a grown up little lady... (not the 2yr old that used to lock herself in the computer room with Rob to sit and watch cartoons on his computer)

After our visit, we loaded up the kids and headed to Mom and Dad's place to catch up with Uncle Barry and Lorraine... and of course - for Jade to have a swim....
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