Last night before putting Jade to bed I said that we were going to see the "Singing Ship" today..
When she got up this morning, the first thing she said was "are we going to see the musical boat now??"... so cute :)
So, we were in the car and on our way to Yeppoon by 8:45am... we nearly got to Emu Park before Jade decided she was hungry - so when we arrived the first thing we had to do was find some kind of food for Jade...
NOTHING seemed to be open... and for a coastal town - that was a bit surprising... we eventually went into a bakery and got some bread rolls which kept Jade happy until we went to find lunch...
We then took off to find the singing ship... and I must say... the signage in Emu Park is really not that great.. but we did end up finding it.... and it wasn't singing... quite disappointing... (as the wind passes through the pipes they make various sounds.... the pipes have holes all through them and look kind of like tin flutes... there was wind - but clearly it wasn't coming in the right direction or it wasn't strong enough to make the sounds....)

The view from the singing ship.... it looked so inviting....
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