Well, we've had fun today.... ok, maybe not...
Blake's now picked up the cold that Jade has.... so he's all clogged up and probably got the sore throat too... so he's grumpy...
We went to the chemist today and got the saline nasal drops - this cleared him up a bit - but we think all the gunk going into his stomach caused the next lot of problems... I was puked on... and covered.. head to toe... (well not toes... they were under me when he aimed...)

Happily sleeping earlier in the day after clearing his nose...

After the puking... and another change of clothes... passed out in the rocker...
I have to say that Jade has been great tonight....

I had to get Mom up to help because I had a screaming baby and I hadn't cooked dinner... So Mom came up and helped with Blake and Jade while I cooked dinner.... and by 7pm... Blake was asleep still... and it was nearly time to get Jade to bed - so I figured we'd be ok.... WRONG...
around 7:30 - just before I was going to put Jade to bed - Blake started up again.... he was still going when it was time to put Jade into bed... so I quickly got her ready.. got her into bed... sung the quickest version of "twinkle twinkle" that I've ever done and had to leave her... she whinged for about 10 seconds and then must have realised that there was nothing she could do... so she went to sleep....
8pm and I went to check to see if I had the Baby Panadol.... (given I haven't needed it in 3yrs...) - I didn't have any... Phoned Mom to see if she had any... nope... she suggested Bec... so I called Bec and she came straight over with some... Gave it to Blake - quick feed... and his temp is already coming down... so Yay Panadol... and Yay even moreso Bec!!
Anyway, just keeping an eye on him for the night now.. hopefully he gets some sleep....
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