Today has to have been the hottest day in Gladstone History for a couple of years at least... it was so humid but also really hot... (not just muggy)... at 7:30 this morning I packed Jade and Blake into the car and drove down to Mom's place....
Blake slept from the time we left home til the time we left to come back home (and then from then - 12:30 until 6pm when he woke for a feed and went back to sleep.....) - - I think the heat has knocked him out :) (and this is the first time he's spent an entire morning in nothing but a nappy... he was THAT hot.....

We had considered the thought of putting Blake into the pool for the first time... unfortunately he didn't wake - so it didn't eventuate.... but we did blow up Jade's old pool floatie to throw him in... So she wasn't going to miss the opportunity to go and play in it.... not that she really fits it anymore.... her legs wouldn't go through the centre ring... but she can use it like a seat... and it gave her shelter from the sun.... (the novelty wore off really quickly and then she started swimming around per usual....)
Hard to believe that Blake is already 8 weeks old.... and boy has he grown! His ducky-bum chin is more obvious now than when he was born... as is his one dimple.... although I haven't managed to get a photo of it yet.... it's like the smiles - you're lucky if you can get a pic of it....

We spent most of the evening playing Rummy....

Greg entertained Jade at times....

Rob hit the booze....
I had hoped (and mentioned) that I wanted to get family photos before everyone headed downstairs... but Guitar Hero is more important... so sorry, no family photos to share with people.....
That's pretty much all I have to report... the upstairs mob disappeared before midnight... Dad was really tired after having worked all day... Jade was in desperate need of bed and I'm sure Blake will wake at about 2am or something just to keep me on my toes.... so I really should head to bed too...
Here's to 2009.... Not that I'm complaining about 2008.. for us it was a fantastic year... Firstly we got Blake... he's amazing and was well worth the agony of pregnancy and all that goes with it... Greg got into the Australian Technical College - so hopefully he's going to find a career that suits him soon... and Jade... well she's just growing and is a delight... most of the time :)
Now, all I have to look forward to for the rest of the evening is my drunk husband stumbling into bed.. .most likely going to wake me because he thinks it would be nice... (not considering that I'll be up during the night....) - - - but here's the bonus to not being able to drink.... I'm sober... I'll wake him up whenever I have to get up to Blake (and keep him awake) if he wakes me when he comes to bed... (I think that's fair! eheh)
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