We left home at 9am yesterday to head to Rocky to pick up Angela.. We'd pre-arranged that we'd meet up with Ant and his family again so that they could see Jade (as I'd so rudely not taken her up last week! heh!)...

This is the last remaining glass ornament that Ant didn't manage to break when he knocked over the tree last week! (at his mothers place - not on my tree!) I had to get a photo - just incase he broke it!

Ant & Blake
(Sleeping! - and yes, his overalls are just a touch too big - but they're so cute... go Pooh Bear!)

Gloria and Blake

Jade not wanting to pose for yet another photo!!

Jade & Ant
I took Jade around the house pointing out various things for her to look at, and I kept taking photos.... she then told me:
J - I'm going to ask Santa for a Camera!
Me - Oh really???
J - Yes! and then I can take photos!
(she keeps wanting to use the D60 - but given the other one is off being repaired - we're not willing to risk it at all....)
Jade's come out with some really funny things the last week or so in relation to Christmas...
"I need to make Santa Cookies - he likes Christmas Trees!" (So we've had to buy a Christmas Tree cookie cutter)
"I need to put Santa's cookies UNDER the tree so that he knows where to put my presents!"
"Santa needs cookies and milk because he is going to be SO hungry AND thirsty from delivering ALL of the presents!" (I'm not sure whether she means delivering ALL of her presents - or if she considers that he'll be delivering a lot of presents to lots of kids)
(there were other things she'd come up with - but I can't think of them right now.... I still have nappy brain!)
Anyway, so after all of the effort to make sure we made it to the airport on time, Angela landed 10mins early and was already picking up her luggage when we arrived.... Jade was a bit disappointed though because we didn't get out of the car at all... Loaded Angela into the car and then drove back to Gladstone.... (so we didn't get any airport photos!)
When we got home we got this:
"I was wanting to see the planes crash!" (she meant land... wrong choice of words)
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