Jade's daycare had their xmas party this afternoon... I didn't take the camera as last year Mom had been asked to be careful what pics she took because other parents get paranoid about their kids appearing in photos yada yada.... so I didn't take the camera.... then all these other parents had cameras... I think next year I'll take it and just risk getting told off...
You should have seen Jade's face when she got her present from Santa... I don't think I've seen her so excited before.... she was shaking her present around running up to me... like she couldn't believe Santa finally had one for her... she waited so patiently through the Nursery kids, toddlers, pre-kindy1, pre-kindy2 and then they got to the kindy kids... and she must have been the last of the kindy kids... so I think she'd almost given up hope...
For the first part of the day - I spent the day waiting at home for my sofas and coffee table to be delivered... they were to be dropped off "first thing" this morning... we said we'd be home by 9:30 - and we were home by 9am... by 11am we were starting to wonder when they'd show up - so we called... "oh, they're still trying to finish a job from yesterday - they'll bring it over after lunch".... I realise that "after lunch" doesn't specify a time either - but by 3pm I was starting to wonder again... so I phoned... "oh, they're REALLY busy today.... but you'll get it...." -- so I'm kinda umming and ahhing on the phone.. and she said "do you have to be somewhere?" -- "yeah, kids christmas party - need to be there at 4pm".... "oh... well I'll organise something.. leave it with me" ... about 5mins later I got a call "first thing tomorrow... no later than 9:30am" - - - two of the guys had gone home and only one guy left - so it wasn't going to get here....
So I can't blog pics of the lounge downstairs... but we moved the spare TV and DVD player and Xbox 360 in and got it set up (Rob's still gotta get power to there somehow - but that's not a big deal...) - - - so all we need to do tomorrow is get the sofas and I can take a photo... there'll still be all the junk in the background of the photo... but I can't help that until we have a shed....
I did manage to get a pic of Blake sleeping today - he's too cute!!

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