Wednesday, 31 December 2008

New Years Eve.....

Today has to have been the hottest day in Gladstone History for a couple of years at least...  it was so humid but also really hot... (not just muggy)...  at 7:30 this morning I packed Jade and Blake into the car and drove down to Mom's place.... 

Blake slept from the time we left home til the time we left to come back home (and then from then - 12:30 until 6pm when he woke for a feed and went back to sleep.....) - - I think the heat has knocked him out :)   (and this is the first time he's spent an entire morning in nothing but a nappy...  he was THAT hot.....

We had considered the thought of putting Blake into the pool for the first time... unfortunately he didn't wake - so it didn't eventuate....  but we did blow up Jade's old pool floatie to throw him in...  So she wasn't going to miss the opportunity to go and play in it....  not that she really fits it anymore.... her legs wouldn't go through the centre ring... but she can use it like a seat... and it gave her shelter from the sun....  (the novelty wore off really quickly and then she started swimming around per usual....)

Hard to believe that Blake is already 8 weeks old....  and boy has he grown!  His ducky-bum chin is more obvious now than when he was born... as is his one dimple.... although I haven't managed to get a photo of it yet.... it's like the smiles - you're lucky if you can get a pic of it....

We spent most of the evening playing Rummy....  

Greg entertained Jade at times....

Rob hit the booze....

I had hoped (and mentioned) that I wanted to get family photos before everyone headed downstairs... but Guitar Hero is more important... so sorry, no family photos to share with people.....

That's pretty much all I have to report...  the upstairs mob disappeared before midnight...  Dad was really tired after having worked all day...  Jade was in desperate need of bed and I'm sure Blake will wake at about 2am or something just to keep me on my toes....  so I really should head to bed too...

Here's to 2009....  Not that I'm complaining about 2008.. for us it was a fantastic year... Firstly we got Blake... he's amazing and was well worth the agony of pregnancy and all that goes with it...  Greg got into the Australian Technical College - so hopefully he's going to find a career that suits him soon...  and Jade... well she's just growing and is a delight... most of the time :)

Now, all I have to look forward to for the rest of the evening is my drunk husband stumbling into bed.. .most likely going to wake me because he thinks it would be nice... (not considering that I'll be up during the night....)  - - - but here's the bonus to not being able to drink....  I'm sober...  I'll wake him up whenever I have to get up to Blake (and keep him awake) if he wakes me when he comes to bed... (I think that's fair! eheh)

Tuesday, 30 December 2008

He's Baaaaaaaaaaaaa-aaaaaaaaaack!

I had to wake up Jade to get her ready for the airport... so she wasn't overly happy with me at 3:30 this afternoon - but as soon as we mentioned that it was nearly time for Greg to land - she perked up and was happy to have her hair done... 

We got to the airport and met up with Kylie and her mother...  it wasn't too long before the plane landed....


I think Jade thinks she can carry Blake on her own already!


Kylie and her mother Jenny...

Watching the plane land....
(Jade had been saying that she wanted to watch the plane crash when Greg came, but we've made sure we've corrected her on this..... )

There's the plane....

And the broken neck baby look.....

There he is!!

Jade was definitely happy to have her big brother home :)

Everyone sleeps but me......

Zhaan sets herself up nicely on my desk chair....

It didn't look like Jade was going to sleep today...but with the threat of not being allowed to go to the airport when we went to pick up Greg... she's managed to force herself to sleep.... unfortunately it means she'll have only had an hour at most... then we have to wake her to take her to the airport...

She's in there somewhere!

Oh, there she is!

Blake's hiding too.... 
took a while to get him to sleep too... but he's finally off with the fairies... at least he'll sleep when we put him in the car to the airport....

Monday, 29 December 2008

The Singing Ship

Last night before putting Jade to bed I said that we were going to see the "Singing Ship" today..

When she got up this morning, the first thing she said was "are we going to see the musical boat now??"... so cute :)

So, we were in the car and on our way to Yeppoon by 8:45am... we nearly got to Emu Park before Jade decided she was hungry - so when we arrived the first thing we had to do was find some kind of food for Jade...

NOTHING seemed to be open... and for a coastal town - that was a bit surprising... we eventually went into a bakery and got some bread rolls which kept Jade happy until we went to find lunch...

We then took off to find the singing ship... and I must say... the signage in Emu Park is really not that great.. but we did end up finding it.... and it wasn't singing...  quite disappointing...  (as the wind passes through the pipes they make various sounds.... the pipes have holes all through them and look kind of like tin flutes...  there was wind - but clearly it wasn't coming in the right direction or it wasn't strong enough to make the sounds....)

The view from the singing ship.... it looked so inviting....

Sunday, 28 December 2008


We had a lot of smiles today - so we managed to get some photos... but photos really just don't do it justice....  Blake's entire face lights up when he smiles... his eyes smile as well as the rest of his face... it's just gorgeous... :)

He's a cheeky monkey :)

Saturday, 27 December 2008

More new people for Blake to meet.....

Today didn't start out so well...  Blake was awake from 5am - which had Rob and I awake with him...  but at 5:30 we started to hear crying from Jade's room... not the "I'm having a nightmare" cry... but the "I want someone to come here because I want attention" cry...

I took this to mean that Jade was trying to get up early.. so I just called out for her to come into the room... but I eventually gave up on her leaving her room and I went in to see what the go was...

She'd been sick on her bed... so we were then worried that she'd got what Dad had... she was sick a few more times and I eventually ran a bath and shoved her into it...  she wouldn't drink or eat anything... but once I got her in the bath - she'd have an ice block (luckily we'd made them the night before - so they were frozen)...   she ended up having 5 of them (which wouldn't even be a glass of cordial... so I wasn't going to stop her having them....)

We put on some DVD's and just kept her quiet for the morning .... and she seemed fine...  she even went down for her lunch sleep without any arguments...

While she was sleeping, Leeanne and Caitie dropped in to visit...  This is the first time I've managed to catch up with Leeanne since having Blake... I was dropping in to have lunch with her every fortnight when I was heading to Rocky for my Doctors visits... but hadn't seen her in a few months...

I can't believe that Caitie is 8 already... although we've been back in Gladstone for nearly 6yrs now... and she was 2 when we got here... so yeah, she's definitely 8 already!  such a grown up little lady...  (not the 2yr old that used to lock herself in the computer room with Rob to sit and watch cartoons on his computer)

After our visit, we loaded up the kids and headed to Mom and Dad's place to catch up with Uncle Barry and Lorraine... and of course - for Jade to have a swim....

Blake happily went to Lorraine when we arrived and promptly went to sleep on her chest...
Unfortunately he didn't stay asleep the entire visit... but that's life...

Uncle Barry

Minnie was asleep until I managed to get the camera focussed... then she was awake... 
she gets herself comfortable...

Look back in time.....

Yesterday.... (3yrs 3months - - nearly)

2006 - 11 months

Boxing Day....

Yesterday we headed to "play park" so that Jade could have a run around and to make sure that we spent some time out of the house....

Jade took her camera to take some photos....

Looking a bit cross-eyed there Blake...  

I'm getting closer to getting a photo of him smiling....  
I'm just never quick enough...

The magpies and their babies were out looking for food... 
apparently Vegemite Sandwiches are acceptable...

February - Slumber Party Roller Disco

Friday 10th February PJ Party Time! Jade had arranged with her friend that they'd go in onesies to the disco.....  so tha...