We left Yum Cha around 1pm and figured we had 2hrs before we had to meet up with Jason, Chris & Jo (and their kids)... we hoped that this time would be used by Blake to have a sleep.... we were wrong... apparently 30mins in the car was more than enough in the morning.....
We ended up heading to Southgate (AGAIN) - because we had to get Jade some headphones for the trip home... (we'd forgotten to get them the day before.... which was the initial reason for the trip there).....
We thought we were running late for the play centre as we arrived just after 3pm (we headed straight there from Southgate).... but, we were first.... :)
Jason arrived just before 4pm... and Chris and Jo arrived just after 4pm... the place was open til 5:30 - so we didn't figure it was an issue....
Unfortunately, they started shutting down around 5pm as all the "party" people had left.... turning off the jumping castle - etc.... it was a good time to be there because the bigger kids weren't around......
It was great for the kids cause they could just go play and there were heaps of new and exciting things to do..... the best thing about the centre was that they had a sectioned off area for kids 1-4... so they weren't being trampled by older pushy kids.....

From left to right: Micah, Jo, Caitlin & Chris

Me & Jase :)

overtired..... poor little Puggle....

With the play centre being shut down - we left there at about 5:10 and headed back to Sans Souci.... We got back at just after 5:30... Bill came and brought us dinner and we sat around and ate, then started the final pack up....
Lara dropped over to visit before she had to head into the city for dinner.... it was so great to see her, even if we were having to chat while packing.... :)
We were in bed just after 8:30pm and hoped for a good night sleep......
Hopefully next trip to Sydney will be a bit better organised and we can catch up with more people... Rob didn't end up seeing his friends as the night he'd organised to do it was the night he was really sick....
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