We're getting close to the end of our Sydney trip......

No, this isn't a new experience - it just seemed like a cute pic....
Jade had been complaining about a sore ear - so Rob took her off to see his old doctor (one he'd been going to since he was 3)...... So, he dropped Blake and I off at the Park/Cafe to meet up with Bill and Aunty Bet.... then he'd be back once they'd finished at the doctors.....

Someone had left a Trolley in the park... this was the attraction of the morning.....

Even Jade loved it when she turned up...


We ended up staying at the park til just on midday - so we headed straight back to the Cabin for lunch and then to get Blake down for a sleep.... once he woke we headed to southbank to get food for the trip home....
We also had to get Jade new shoes because she's been complaining for a few days that her Ben10 shoes were too tight..... she again chose her shoes.... she picked Spiderman this time...... (one lady assumed she was a boy because she just looked down and saw her shoes - then she was so apologetic for assuming she was a boy based on her shoes, saying how she was very clearly a girl - and a very pretty girl...... *see mouth - insert foot*)
We'd organised to go to the RSL again with Bill for dinner... he came to meet us at the cabin at 5:15pm.... (it's very handy having a caravan park directly over the road from his apartment)..
Blake was not a very happy little guy - he's just so worn out from the week away - not getting to bed at 6pm each night takes it's toll after a few days....... so, I stayed back at the cabin with Blake and gave him his vegies and got him to bed......
Rob and Jade went with Bill to the RSL.....
They have a "chocolate game" at the RSL that Jade just loves to play.... she came home with HEAPS of chocolates last night... as well as having found a "toy" claw game downstairs where she got a "Speckles" toy (from G-Force - the mole)......
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