Straight after breakfast we headed to Hornsby Heights to visit Shane and Jo for lunch...
We arrived just after 11am.....


Blake was happy to copy....

Blake found a pretty purple trike... he looked a bit concerned about whether a boy should be riding a purple bike....

Mykaela will hang off anything.... (she likes her gymnastics)

Amelia liked her swing.... Blake wasn't interested in getting into it... but he did grab the other side when Jo was swinging it and said "no, stop that" to her when she was trying to push it...

Jade had a great time playing with Mykaela... she was happy to follow her around..
Amelia is always looking to be with her big sister... it's so cute!

Amelia and Blake watching the trampolining action...

Amelia and Shane....

Cheeky Monkey of the female variety....

Blake loved Holly.... (she's 11yrs old and was quite happy to have the kids pay her attention)


the boys went inside to play guitar hero...


Jade loved all the toys that Mykaela and Amelia have.... It's like being in a toyshop that doesn't drive me broke....

Blake always seems to manage to find where the sandpits are hidden... he found this one - and was lifting the lid to pull the sand out... so we opened it up - and Amelia went to play too...

Cheeky Monkey of the male variety....

The more serious side of Shane....

Oh yeah, there I am...

Amelia feeding herself Choc Bavarian...

Mykaela and her DS.... (Jade had hers too - and she played it for a bit - but the lure of different toys won)

Ran out of choc bavarian.... time for Nutella... :)
We left Shane and Jo's just after 4pm and headed back to the cabin.... Bill came to have dinner with us, we got to decide between going to the sailing club for dinner - or having chicken and salad in the cabin... we decided that Sailing club could wait for another night... so we just got chicken and salad and had an easy night in.....

Kids were in bed by 7:30 or so... It's so good to have some quiet time at night - still trying to catch up on lost sleep..... I've been told that'll take probably 18yrs or so before I catch up.... yay!
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