Saturday morning we were up at 8am.... (yeah, sounds like a sleep in - doesn't it?) - Blake had been up during the night - and while he was up Jade had woken as well - but only slightly.. all in all a good night.....
We mooched around a bit at Angela's - and then headed into Southgate to get Formula and Nappies for Blake (both of which take up extra space in the car - and we'd use almost all of each of them while we were here - so made more sense to just get them once we arrived)....
After we got back from Southgate - Rob headed to the airport to pick up Greg (we flew him down so that he wasn't squished in the prado all the way down - also meant more room in the car - as well as the fact that Greg hasn't done the amount of travelling that the rest of us have - and he doesn't travel THAT well..... not in the back anyway..... (and no, I was not going to give up the front seat for anyone)
When Rob and Greg got back - Angela had cooked up a fantastic garlic mushroom ravioli which was to die for..... once we'd eaten, we loaded the kids in the car (and had to borrow Angela as well - cause we couldn't fit all of our stuff and Greg and his stuff in the Prado) and headed to the caravan park where we'd booked a cabin for the week that we're down here....
Blake fell asleep in the car about halfway.... this did not make me too happy - cause usually that means he'll have a little sleep - and that's all.....
When we got to the caravan park we were informed that Bill (Rob's Dad) had dropped some stuff in the cabin that we were supposed to be staying in (we changed cabin's to get one that had two separate bedrooms so that there'd be more luck getting the kids to sleep well at night - and take into consideration the fact that Greg's with us for a few nights also.....
So, I went into the other cabin and grabbed the stuff that Bill had dropped off.... a rubber basketball, another ball and a frisbee for the kids - a wrapped present for the kids - milk in the fridge - flavoured milk - a bowl of fruit...... he really does look after us well! :)
Rob kept the car going when we got to the cabin - and we emptied the car and set up the port-a-cot.... once that was all set up - I told Rob to take Greg and Jade shopping (Greg came down with only thongs - so they went to see if they could get Greg shoes - as well as trying to find an external flash for the camera) - so they did that - and I got Blake out of the car - made him a bottle and then got him down for his sleep.... he went down quite happily (I guess he's still overtired from the drive)

Surprisingly, Blake slept for nearly 3hrs (luckily Rob, Greg and Jade managed to waste that time at Westfield at Miranda)..... when he woke - he was a very happy - very awake little puggle....

playing with the basketball from Grandad.... (the photo looks out of focus - but his eye is perfectly in focus.... I like this pic... :))

Cheeky Monkey

for those who don't remember Greg.... this is Greg!
(it's been a while since he's been in a post - people may have forgotten... ehehe)


Daddy's Girl....

Happy in their Quasi-Bath....
(lots of Quasi's on this trip... no Quasi Modo yet though)

The boys chilling after a filling of Pizza and while the kids played in the bath.....
We got the kids to bed probably 7pm or so... they still need to catch up on a fair bit of sleep.... because Jade is on a bunk above Greg... we just left her to play on the iPod until she fell asleep last night - so she didn't go to sleep til just after 8pm.... so she was a bit buggered this morning.... but, you can't help these things on holidays.....
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