Whilst at Shane and Jo's yesterday, I got talking to Jo about how I wanted to go to DFO and I'd planned on going today.... she was all up for it - and so she and I were going to head there with just Blake and Amelia...
We got up this morning, and Jade decided that she wanted to come too - so Rob and Greg came also....
We needed to get Greg some new shorts cause he's bulking up again for footy - and his shorts just aren't fitting right atm.... so we set out to get him some new boardies....
How cute is this? Amelia asleep in the Pram!

I got Jade this dress from Pumpkin Patch....
Size 7! I thought 4yr olds were supposed to wear 4?

Jade found this that she wanted, it's a kids cooking kit - complete with hat and apron...

and this is Jade all dressed up in her gear.. how cute is that???

Rob bought me a new basketball - from the Converse Store... here's hoping it bounces better!

We went into a kitchen store (where we got the kids cooking kit) - and I got these....
The iron tray is for making pancakes (some special sort - Jo knew) - but hopefully it's the right shape for making cake-pops....

JJ's never fails to make me happy....
2 x Transformers Boardies for Greg for $25 :) yay!

here's the pumpkin patch dress on..... one very happy little Jade....

It's modelling time!

she's really getting into the posing....
Jade then decided that because Greg pops his collar - she should too.....
We met up with Bill for Dinner at a Sailing Club.... (sorry - i feel really bad - but I'm not sure the name of the place) (these next photos were taken on the iPhone because I didn't feel like lugging the Nikon around)
The view out to sea from our table...
Jade mooching waiting for dinner....
Blake waiting for a high chair.... heh
The boys (and Jade - apparently) played some pool to pass some time....
We had a lovely dinner..... and headed back to our room by 7:30 - we had to give Blake some Nurofen to try to get his temp down a bit.... boo for teething! but - he went straight to sleep without any dramas - and we left Jade to watch Astroboy the movie (or whatever it is called) - she happily watched that and fell asleep in her own time....
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