As you can imagine, Easter never ever means a sleep in..... Blake slept til 5:50 and Jade was in the room before 6am too.....
It's been raining on and off here, so the Easter Bunny hid all the eggs downstairs.....

Jade waiting eagerly on the stairs.....

Blake still not sure what's going on and Daddy not wanting to know what's going on....
(someone would much rather have stayed in bed)

"oooh, a Thomas Bucket!"

"oooh, two buckets!"

Jade found some "not so well hidden" eggs on the couch - saw that they had "Blake" written on them, so left them for Blake....

Blake got the hang of collecting eggs very quickly....

Jade went looking for the shiny chocolatey goodness....

Guest room is the BEST place to look for eggs!

Blake found some chocolate eggs....

Blake then realised they were chocolate, and had to decide... red or pink?

Red.... and opened..... he had no intention of continuing the hunt after that....

We had to take the chocolate away until the hunt was over....

Jade's plastic eggs contained Party Animals (something she's been going on about for weeks now.... yay for advertising.... we're going back to ABC Kids from now on!)

Party Party Animals.... Collect them all!

the kids Easter Collection.....

Blake got some Thomas Trains (because Jade got the Party Animals) - and any way to reduce the chocolate consumption in the household is worth it!

the un-played with collection...
(Thomas and Percy didn't leave his hands for the next couple of hours)
These ones did get played with once we got home from breakfast....

one of Jade's party animals.... outside it's costume...

"Look Daddy!! Thomas and Percy!!!"

After the hunt and a bit of a play - we headed to Hungry Jacks for Breakfast... just for something different....
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